European Transport and Mobility Forum
European Transport and Mobility Forum

Welcome to the European Transport and Mobility

An alliance that helps identifying, designing and implementing novel ideas and innovation through participatory processes. The ETM Forum main goals are:

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[WG 01] Co-creating our future mobility system

[WG 01] Co-creating our future mobility system

Co-creation is the new buzzword to increase public participation in transport planning. Co-creation involves citizens in the data collection to explore problems in their neighbourhoods, co-design alternatives to solve these problems, implements the solutions with the citizens and monitors their impact. This working group will look at how a combination of technology and traditional offline tools can help to increase citizen participation . We will discuss engagement of people in data collection (citizen observatories and smart surveys), best practices and new initiatives in co-creating solutions to mobility problems and the participatory evaluation of these solutions. In addition, we will discuss how face-to-face communication can improve consensus making drawing on the knowledge and experience of their members to propose solutions adapted to their needs and interests.
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02 February 2024 1 topics 1 active members